DEDICATIONS, PLEDGES, COMMITMENTS. For the past. For my own path. For surprises. For mistakes that worked so well. For tomorrow if I'm there. For the next real thing. Then for carrying it all through whatever is necessary. For following the little god who speaks only to me. --William Stafford

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Don't ask, "Are you afraid?"--
everyone is afraid. Ask, Where
can we find to run?"

-William Stafford
More than Words Can Tell

"Where to run?" Stuck here
in our five-dimensional lives

enfolded in a multi-dimensional universe
we run, eat, sleep, make love,

and wonder. We lie in our beds
and watch the light creep in

illuminating cracks on the walls and the
maculate ceilings as continents, faces,

emblems, and chronicles, interpreting them
as Signs. We hear dogs barking,

touch one another, cry, say goodbye, run, pray,
write poems, ask questions, make lists,

and run, as if any of these things might suggest
true exploration of what really is,
as if they might be messages
from some far star

that will help us understand Where?
And Why?

About Me

My photo
1. In dreams I am often young and thin with long blond hair. 2. In real life I am no longer young, or thin, or blonde. 3. My back hurts. 4. I hate to sleep alone. (Fortunately I don't have to!) 5. My great grandfather had 2 wives at once. 6. I wish I had more self-discipline. (I was once fired from a teaching position in a private school because they said I was "too unstructured and undisciplined." --Who, me??? Naaaahhh....) 7. I do not blame my parents for this. Once, at a parent-teacher conference, the teacher told me my little boy was "spacey." We ALL are, I told her. The whole fan damily is spacey. She thought I was kidding. I wasn't. 8. I used to travel with a theater reperatory company. My parents weren't happy about this. 9. My mother was afraid that I would run off and paint flowers on my cheeks and live in a commune, and grow vegetables. I once smoked pot. ONE TIME. 10. I don't drink or smoke. (Or swear, much. Well, I drink milk, and water, and orange juice, and stuff. Cocoa. I love Pepsi.) 11. Most of my friends are invisible. 12. I am a poet and a writer. All of my writing on these pages is copyrighted. Borrowing (without acknowledgment) is a sin.